Marketing & RFP Support
Once you’ve conducted market research and identified your potential customers, you are ready to begin marketing.
Capability Statement
It is important to create federally-targeted marketing materials to provide to agencies and prime contractors you are interested in doing business with. rom Washington PTAC features samples to help prepare a capability statement. We are available to review your rough draft and offer suggestions.
Dynamic Small Business Search Profile
If you are a small business, be sure to maintain your DSBS profile, a database frequently used by federal agencies and prime contractors to find small business subcontractors and suppliers. See here for instructions on how to update your profile through your SAM registration. You can also search for other small businesses in the DSBS at http://web.sba.gov/pro-net/search/dsp_dsbs.cfm.
Responding to Sources Sought Notices
Federal agencies will frequently post Sources Sought notices on www.fbo.gov. Agencies use these notices to conduct market research and identify possible sources for a project, including vendors who will help meet their small business and socioeconomic goals. For more information on this valuable marketing opportunity for your business, visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/proven-tool-marketing-federal-agencies-stephanie-scott?trk=prof-post
Reviewing a Federal Solicitation
Every solicitation announcement is slightly different, but most will contain the following information. Be sure to review the solicitation in full and contact us for help understanding the solicitation and reviewing your proposal, quote, or bid before submittal.
Statement of Work: Details what agency is buying, deliverables, delivery dates and other deadlines
Evaluation Factors: Explains how your response will be evaluated (i.e. price, technical capability, past performance, etc.). This is an opportunity to conduct a self-assessment to add in your bid/no bid decision.
Terms & Conditions: Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) clauses that become the terms and conditions of your contract and can impact your pricing, how you perform, and various required reporting during and after contract completion. There are also supplements to the FAR, including the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFAR).
Instructions to Offerors: Details on what you will be required to submit and how to submit it as well as how to ask questions.
Additional information found in the solicitation: Amendments, Specs/Maps/Drawings, Site Visit or Pre Bid Meeting information and instructions, Service Contract Act wage determination information if applicable, etc.